Thursday, January 03, 2013


I've never really had any fitness goals before, but I have reached a point where I know I need to lose weight and get fit. It's no longer a choice - it's a ~must~. So, my goals for this year are: Lose 5 stone Be able to run 5k. Losing weight isn't easy for me, and as I can barely run 5 steps, let alone 5k right now, it's quite an ask. I have signed up for a basic buggy bootcamp class for mummies with kids. I also need to start seeing where I can slot exercise in - even if it is only a 15 minute while at work. I need to make the time for it. Getting out will do my mental health a lot of good, as well as my physical health. We have bought my youngest son a scooter, so hopefully he will get the hang of that soon so going for a walk with the two of them will be faster that it currently is and help get me fitter too. I am hoping to get a Fitbit to help motivate me, and also to let me know exactly how much (or how little!) I really do. As I use My Fitness Pal, I really like that it will sync direct to it so all my data will be in one easy to use place. I learned about the Fitbit from the Get Fit Feel Epic competition on Money, and also on the very lovely 2Starsandaswirl's Blog competition. Hopefully, in 12 months time there will be a whole new me. A much smaller, much happier, much fitter me.